20th & 21st October 2022 Museums Quartier, Vienna, Austria

What is the
Conference about?


Vienna, Museums Quartier, Barocke Suiten, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien and online


20th to 21st October 2022
The conference presents the results of the EU project DigiTeRRI, GA 873010. DigiTeRRI has developed strategic roadmaps, as well as implemented actions for the transition of traditional industry regions into digitalised territories by applying the responsible research and innovation approach (RRI). Three European regions are engaged in this initiative: Värmland in Sweden, Grand Est in France, and Styria in Austria.

DigiTeRRI has worked together with science & research, education, industry & business, policy makers & public engagement, and civil society organisations in each territory to foster digitalization in the area. Since the prosperity and wellbeing of a region depends on the successful interplay between all these actors within the region and outside, DigiTeRRI has facilitated the co-creation of visions and roadmaps for the digitalized future of their regions considering the implications on society.

The conference will highlight the impact of this work in the three territories, will present

  • the concept and approaches,
  • the DigiTeRRI roadmap process,
  • the cross-fertilisation and success stories, and will
  • discuss the challenges and learnings

The conference will, furthermore, work out ideas for further development of the applied methodologies and approaches.

There will be:

  • A poster Session
  • Oral presentations
  • Workshops
  • Networking opportunities